“If you want to know more than you already understand,
you must become more than you already are.”
Rabbi Gedaliah Fleer

Online Jewish Learning
with Reb Gedaliah

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Reb Gedaliah Fleer

Rabbi Gedaliah Fleer combines his extensive Jewish knowledge with penetrating insight and an energetic teaching style to create an inspirational experience for his students. He has a rare gift for making complex ideas clear and accessible and is a master storyteller. Rabbi Fleer’s illuminating and provocative classes help students of all levels access their own spirituality by bringing mystical concepts down to earth. Read More…

“Rabbi Fleer touches the soul of healing and helps (students) to connect to their inner authenticity” – Ted Kaptchuk, OMD, Asst. Prof. of Medicine Harvard Medical School.

“Rabbi Gedaliah Fleer is a master teacher of the Kabbalah and Chassidism… and an engaging storyteller…His presentations are highly recommended for anyone interested in Judaism as a spiritual path” – Rabbi Nechemia Polen, Professor.

“Rabbi Fleer gives the clearest understanding of the spiritual realm that I have ever encountered. He always provokes self-reflection and appreciation of the sacred” – Ted Kaptchuk, Author of “The Web That Has No Weaver: Understanding Chinese. Medicine”.

  • live classes

    From Reb Gedaliah’s lectures one learns the immediate subject, while the experience is enriched further with themes from Kabbalah, the Talmud and his own personal and mesmerizing insights. His teaching is profound and practical at the same time.

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  • private COUNSELING

    Reb Gedaliah’s unique approach helps people get in touch with deep truths about themselves, release old pain, and open to new possibilities. Reb Gedaliah creates a safe space for emotional honesty and subtly brings awareness of G-d to the healing process.

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  • Seminars

    Reb Gedaliah will be offering a series of interactive Classes and Seminars over an 8 week period.



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